Douglas Fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii)
The Douglas-fir is coniferous tree, often more than 60 meters high, having reddish-brown bark, flattened needles, and narrow, light-brown cones, yielding a strong, durable lumber. Douglas fir is one of the world’s best-known timber trees and can command premium sawlog prices. In New Zealand, it is grown as an alternative to Radiata pine on higher altitude and snow prone sites. An excellent tree for timber and shelter. Prefers inland southerly aspects.
ArborGen also offers other species for plantation forestry, shelter, and riparian planting including:
- Alnus
- Cedrus
- Cupressus lusitanica, C.macrocarpa
- Sequoioa semperivirens (Redwood)
- Populus
- NZ natives, tussocks, grasses